
Nature Meets Science
Peak0₂ increases your body’s ability to uptake oxygen and use it more efficiently. It elevates your workout with:
More Power and Endurance
Unlike most ingredients that only target singular benefits, PeakO₂ boosts both power and endurance with one ingredient. In a 21-day clinical study at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, PeakO₂ users improved their time to exhaustion by an incredible 70 seconds from baseline; the placebo group improved only 5 seconds from baseline!
More Bioactivity
PeakO₂ uses Cordyceps millitaris, which has been shown to be more bioactive than sinensis (see studies). The data on whether sinensis (CS4) works for athletic performance is debated (see the study below). There is no debate with PeakO₂.
Organic and natural whole food
100% USDA certified organic, vegan, all-natural, and non-GMO, PeakO₂ is full of antioxidants including Vitamin D₂, L-Ergothioneine and Beta Glucans.
Extremely verstile and easy to use
Most adaptogens are too insoluble in water or too bitter to be used at effective doses in powders. PeakO₂ comes with a neutral taste profile that lets athletes add it to any powder and any flavor.