Vitashine D3™

The obvious place to start is the unfortunate fact that Vitamin D deficiency affects so many of us…

 >>This very online useful resource (click link to open) discusses Vitamin D in detail and talks about the implications of Vitamin D deficiency. It is well worth a read, and certainly eye-opening!

A huge part of the population are deficient in essential vitamin D

Modern lifestyles mean we just don’t get the level of Vitamin D from the sun that our bodies are designed to obtain. Dietary sources are minimal and a frightening proportion of society is Vitamin D deficiency. Figures vary in the media but are ever-increasing.

The health benefits of Vitamin D are both preventative and reparative

Individuals with a suitable level of Vitamin D in their diet and those who supplement are typically much better equipped to fight off colds and ailments. There are links to preventing many types of diseases by consuming adequate Vitamin D. It also has reparative properties and often high levels of Vitamin D3 are given to patients during treatment to recover from different illnesses and diseases associated with Vitamin D deficiency (Inc. bone, muscular, growth, blood conditions).


Vegetarians and Vegans are at high risk of deficiency

Oily fish is the most common dietary source of Vitamin D. This is of course missing from the diets of Vegetarians and Vegans in particular, hence why supplements are strongly recommended.

Individuals with darker skins living in cold climates are even more at risk of deficiency
Black and Asian people are at high risk of Vitamin D deficiency, as these skin types are naturally better at blocking out UV rays and therefore reducing the body’s natural ability to produce Vitamin D.


The many health benefits of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is linked to benefiting many ailments, illnesses and diseases including some serious conditions. Those reported to benefit from Vitamin D include:

• Autoimmune disorders
• Bone disorders (inc. Rickets)
• Depression
• Diabetes
• Heart diseases
• Hypertension
• Influenza
• Obesity
• Osteoporosis
• Rheumatoid arthritis

Please always consult your Doctor to discuss any illness or disease you may be suffering and seek advice about suitable treatments. Please note: we do not make any medical claims about Vitashine.